Before it reaches our homes, electricity goes on a long journey through a network of complex infrastructure. The challenge is not only in transmitting and distributing it, but also in efficiently managing energy flows to meet the ever-changing needs of consumers.


How does electricity reach my home?

1. Production

Like in the rest of Belgium, electricity in Brussels is produced from a variety of energy sources, including nuclear, gas, wind and solar.

In 2023, Belgium produced around 76,000 GWh, 28.2% of which came from renewable energy sources. In the Brussels Region, electricity consumption amounted to 3,823 GWh in 2023.

2. Transport (Elia)

Once produced, the electricity is converted to high voltage by transformers. This high voltage (HV) makes it possible to transport electricity over long distances while limiting losses. In the context of international connections, the voltage can even reach 380,000 volts.

High-voltage electricity is transmitted via an extensive network managed by Elia, Belgium's high-voltage transmission system operator. More than 8,800 km of overhead lines, underground cables and substations transport electricity to the different regions of the country, like veritable electricity motorways.

3. Distribution (Sibelga)

Postes de fourniture

From the Elia network (150,000 of 36,000 volts), the electricity is then fed into Sibelga's high-voltage network via 46 supply substations spread throughout the Brussels region.

The voltage of the electricity is reduced in these substations, so that it can be distributed safely. The voltage is reduced from 150,000 volts or 36,000 volts to 5,000, 6,600 or 11,000 volts.

This is also where the signals for activating and deactivating the 89,828 street lighting luminaires in Brussels are managed.

Supply substations

Distribution substations

From there, the electricity is transmitted to the Brussels network via 78 distribution substations.

Distribution substations

Network and customer substations

The electricity is then transmitted via 2,148 km of underground copper or aluminium cables from the supply substations to:

  • 2,712 HV customer cabins for customers with substantial power requirements;
  • and 3,049 HV/LV network cabins and 3,244 transformers.

At this stage, the voltage is reduced from 5,000, 6,600 or 11,000 volts to 230 or 400 volts.

High-voltage customer substation and underground cable

Cabinets and boxes

5,920 underground cabinets and boxes then take over, distributing low-voltage (LV) electricity to 730,060 Brussels meters via 4,360 km of cable.

Finally, the meters record the volumes of electricity used by each individual so that everything can be correctly billed. By the end of 2024, 93,702 of these LV meters were already smart meters.

Cabinets and underground low-voltage box

Operation and maintenance

All along this route, network management and maintenance are crucial to ensuring a continuous and secure supply. This includes monitoring electricity flows, managing outages, metering and upgrading or replacing equipment.

The main points of the distribution network are remotely monitored in real time to ensure rapid intervention in the event of an incident, such as an outage or overload at a substation.

With this in mind, we are working in particular on developing the Smart Grid and optical fiber.

Preparing forr the future

With the development of electric charging, the the electrification of heating and the take-up of renewable energy, electricity is set to play an increasingly important role in the way we operate. 

To cope with the peaks in consumption and injection generated by these new uses, we are aware that it is essential to stay one step ahead of developments in the market.

That's why we're working tirelessly to improve and reinforce the existing infrastructure. For example, More than €500 million will be invested in developing the electricity network between 2025 and 2029.