Works on connections and meters

Do you want to change the power of your meter, or put in a brand new connection? Check out all our tariffs if you want to change something on your connection or meter.

Work rates

Distribution costs

When you use the energy network, you pay a distribution fee. Find out more about your bill, details of the distribution costs and make simulations.

All about distribution rates

Control of our prices

Did you know that all our rates are checked and approved by Brugel, the energy regulator in Brussels? In fact, our rates are already fixed until 2024!


Day and night rate

In addition to the single rate, you can also opt for a dual-hourly rate for your electricity consumption. We explain when it makes sense to choose the single or dual rate.

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Social rates

Under certain conditions, you can obtain protected customer status. Sibelga is then your energy supplier and you are charged a specific tariff for your energy consumption.

Social rates (site

Intervention rate

In order to limit the impact of individual high-power requests, Sibelga is introducing a new rate to support low-voltage network development.

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