Would you like to share your energy production between two homes? This is now possible with peer-to-peer sharing.

If you produce electricity, via photovoltaic panels for example, you do not always have an opportunity to use it when it is produced. This energy is then injected into the grid.
Instead of losing this surplus electricity by injecting it into the grid, you can share it with another person.
Example: it's a sunny day and your photovoltaic panel installation is producing 3,000 W at this very moment. Your home consumes only 2,000. You therefore inject 1,000 W into the grid. At the same time, your neighbour, with whom you want to share this energy, turns on a washing machine that consumes 1,000 W. They can therefore use 1,000 W from your injection at a reduced price.
Who can I share my energy with?
It could be a neighbour, a family member, etc. There are no restrictions as long as you stay within the Brussels Region and sharing is between two meters.
What is the price?
You set the price of the electricity you share. This price is fixed in an agreement between the two participants.
You can even share the electricity for free if you want to. Please note, however, that network charges still apply.
Would it be beneficial for me?
First, make sure you consume as much as possible of your photovoltaic panels' output directly. It is always better to consume the energy you produce yourself.
Next, make sure that the consumer of your surplus energy is using it at the same time as you inject. Sharing will be less beneficial if you have the same profile of consumption hours.
The Brussels Environment Facilitator will provide tools to help you with all your considerations and procedures.
Les conditions
- The shared electricity must come from a renewable source.
- Exchanges can only be made between two active customers.
- Every customer must have a smart meter or have one installed.
- The customer who owns the injection point (or the third party they designate) will be Sibelga's single point of contact (SPOC) and must notify Sibelga of this.
- An agreement is signed between the two customers to regulate the sharing arrangements.
Obtaining a smart meter
Replacing your electricity meter with a smart meter is free if no reinforcement is required. You can request one here.
Good to know
- You do not need to create a legal entity to organise the sharing.
- The owner of the installation can be a third-party investor, but only if the contract stipulates that the customer owns their injection.
- You can delegate sharing management (data processing, billing, etc.) to a third party, without this third party being considered an active customer.
Please consult the regulator Brugel's pages on peer-to-peer exchange.