In 2023, Sibelga received funding from the Energy Transition Fund (ETF). This funding is intended to support Sibelga's innovative hydrogen initiatives in the Belgian capital.
Hydrogen is currently at the heart of energy concerns. This is why Sibelga is exploring the potential of alternative gases, such as biomethane, syngas and hydrogen, with the goal of "greening" the use of natural gas in Brussels.
Against this backdrop, an ambitious project called Hydrogen to Grid National Living Lab (H2GridLab) was launched in 2020. This project will assess the potential role of hydrogen in the Brussels energy system.
The MØDÜLL, potentially the first living lab building, is currently being used as a testing ground for residential applications running on alternative gases.

The future of heating: a major challenge
Preparing for the future of heating is a major challenge, given the significant proportion of natural gas in today's end-use energy consumption.
The extensive use of heat pumps is particularly complex as these heating systems are used simultaneously and depend on the outside air temperature, among other things.
The future currently seems to be moving towards an energy mix that combines both electrons and green molecules.
With the support of the Energy Transition Fund (ETF), Sibelga is well positioned to play a leading role in the transition to cleaner, more sustainable energy sources in Brussels.
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