Projects and challenges

Guaranteeing everyone secure, high-quality access to energy is Sibelga's mission.

Preparing ourselves for the energy transition is a real challenge. Not only for our teams and for the distribution network but also for all Brussels residents.

Electric charging and electrification

The future of heating

Research into the potential of hydrogen in Brussels

Sibelga's hydrogen project in Brussels

Research into the potential of hydrogen - Sibelga is studying the potential of alternative gases such as hydrogen. To do this, we have received funding from the Energy Transition Fund.

Read more about Sibelga's hydrogen project in Brussels


Smart meters: the key to a sustainable future

By 2030, 80% of Brussels residents should have their home fitted with a smart meter. This is an essential step in paving the way for a more sustainable energy future and ensuring the stability of the electricity grid.

Read more about Smart meters: the key to a sustainable future