Our works site mediator usually intervenes during works in shopping streets. He or she ensures the proper flow of information between Sibelga, contractors, the municipality and businesses and public access buildings.

Our mediator is not routinely present on all sites. He or she intervenes at the request of the public authorities or when Sibelga considers that his or her presence can contribute to the smooth progress of works.
The role of the works site mediator
Present from the preparation to the end of the works, the works site mediator ensures the proper circulation of information to retailers and other managers of public access buildings: nurseries, restaurants, hotels, consulates, etc.
In concrete terms, the works site mediator:
- participates in meetings to prepare, present and monitor a project (interim meetings). He or she meets all the stakeholders affected by a works site, such as the municipalities, the retailers, utilities, etc.
- anticipates and facilitates the resolution of practical problems (parking, accessibility, delivery areas, etc.) by relaying users' needs and seeking solutions with the various parties;
- is a single point of contact for all questions about the works for retailers and building managers;
- carries out follow-up visits to ensure smooth progress during and after the project;
- etc.
How to contact the works site mediator?
When intervening on a work site, our mediator meets retailers and other people concerned before the works begin. On this occasion, he or she provides a document containing his contact details.
As a reminder, our works site mediator is not responsible for communication with local residents or the general public. He or she also does not routinely intervene on all of our work sites. Find out how we manage communication with local residents during works.