Energy sharing

Renewable energy sharing

In Brussels, you can produce renewable energy locally and share it at an attractive, stable price. This local consumption has environmental, social and economic benefits!

Energy can be shared between two homes, or between apartments in the same building, creating a true energy community. An important step in Brussels' energy transition!

The principle of energy sharing

What does energy sharing involve, who are the different participants and how is data shared?

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How is consumption shared?

There are several ways of allocating consumption. The smart meter is an essential element in this calculation.

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How to get started?

Find out everything you need to do in three easy steps.

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The 3 categories of energy sharing

Request network plans

The network usage rate varies depending on the location of the various energy-sharing participants.

Request plans

Requesting consumption history

This allows you to check whether enough of your production is being injected to meet the consumption needs of the different participants.

Request history

Invoicing in an energy-sharing project

In an energy-sharing project, it is the single point of contact who is responsible for invoicing the various participants.

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Energy sharing request form

Click here to go to online energy sharing activation request form.


Grégory Van Eerdenbrugghe from the energy community "Illuminons notre quartier" shares his experience with energy-sharing projects and his collaboration with Sibelga

Need information, help or advice?

Brussels Environment offers you the free services of an expert facilitator in this field, the "Energy Sharing and Communities" facilitator.
They will guide you through every step of your project. They can help whether you need implementation advice or technical or legal information.

Energy Sharing: Number of Participants

The number of participants in energy sharing in Brussels is on the rise. The regulator Brugel regularly publishes new statistics on this topic.

1555 energy sharing participants
Last update: 12/03/2025
Want to know more? Detailed statistics
2022 2
12/03/2025 1555